Do you remember the days when all of your friends would gather at school and discuss the progress you’d all made with that difficult Dickens novel you’d agreed to read by the end of the month. The fall outs and arguments over whether Jane Eyre was a victim or a heroine? Whether Thomas Hardy could ever stand up to Jane Austen. No? Me neither. The problem we English teachers have is that we forget that developing a love of reading is a process not a switch.

I just liked being around books. Still do. My wife doesn’t have to look too far if we lose each other in a busy town centre. The bookshop. The first thing I look for when I’m invited to the homes of others is a bookcase. That’s the true way to judge a person’s character. Check out what they read.
I come to this topic with a slight feeling of hypocrisy, however. I am a recent convert to the Kindle. There. I said it. I feel better. So if I was eleven again and could only access books through a device - I-phone, I-pad, Kindle, whatever – would I be the reader I am today? Who knows? This vision of future reading seems to forget that, just maybe, the books themselves are more than capable of drawing us in even before we get to the words. Sometimes, I think, you can judge a book by its cover.

So we abandon it for group tasks. And in doing so we lose the opportunity to allow our students to find themselves in reading. I see my S1 class of eleven and twelve year olds for four periods of fifty minutes. Factoring in arrivals and departures, I may be teaching them for 160-170 minutes. With all the other things to do, how can I ensure they get valuable, worthwhile reading time? I prioritise.
I think I may come back to this topic. My Blog is beginning to find its feet.
As a primary teacher (P3) I hope that I never let time for reading 'for pleasure' be squeezed out of our day.We read together (all quiet, all engrossed, me too if at all possible..... they love that I get my book out of my bag and sit on the floor with them.)Choosing a book from the bookshelf is by far the most popular activity for early finishers! They can't wait to see the 'new' books that appear most Monday mornings from the charity shop or car boot sale, usually in perfect condition and clearly unread! Some of my colleagues think I'm nuts, why spend my own money when there are lots of books in school? Because they are tatty, dated and dog-eared maybe? We have a visit from a Primary 7 class once a week.... sometimes we read to them and sometimes they read to us. I originally arranged this for one term but both classes love it, even the boys, so we'll carry on for the rest of the year. I probably should wear a giant badge saying 'I LOVE BOOKS AND I THINK YOU MIGHT TOO!' By far the best moment of my teaching career though was the day a 7 year old boy, hopping from one foot to the other and clearly bursting with excitement, told me that he'd been to the library with his dad after school and they'd BOTH got library cards! I nearly cried.
ReplyDeleteFound your blog via twitter by the way, looking forward to reading more.
Have had an edublogs class blog for a couple of years, but am in the process of starting a school blog via glowblogs at the moment... looks like it could be a great way of setting up e-portfolios for Secondary pupils.
Off to make that giant badge!
Thanks for that excellent reply. You've made my day. I too spend my own money on second hand books from my local charity shop - Oxam, Byres Road - as the books in some classes are, quite frankly, a disgrace. My question to teachers is always, 'well, would you read it?' I have my S1 class writing weekly Reading Dialogue Journals where they can express their views on their own reading and I can ask them questions about their likes/ dislikes. Also setting up Glow blogs for all classes. Good luck with your Blogs. Great to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteA fine post: we can give our pupils no better gift than the chance to read in the way you've described. And as teachers we need to find the time to continue this ourselves, despite all the other things which demand our attention professionally.